Thursday, February 14, 2008

An Imagined Affair with the Big Bad Gawker

A friend of mine -- a good, good friend who actually deigns to read this blog -- suggested today that I write something about the incestuous world of New York gossip-mongers. The bloggers, the page-sixers, the...bloggers. In fact, this lovely friend (who reads AND comments! what a guy!) went even further and suggested that I write about one professional gossiper in particular: Nick Denton of Gawker.
The formal submission of the idea:
"Can you make up a blog entry about running into Nick Denton? PLEASE! Since it's Valentine's Day and all, maybe it could be about an imagined affair with the Big Bad Gawker? I KNOW he's gay. but, hey, maybe it could be a purely platonic affair?"
I got very excited when I read this, thinking, "Oh my God, blogging is so awesomely easy! I don't even have to think to do it -- my friends think for me, and i just bang on my keyboard until I manage to beat some funny out of it!"
I gleefully tilted my head to one side, attempting to envision an incredibly satisfying encounter with the BBG himself.
And then I realized -- it's a good thing I don't need brains to blog because I am a moron. I know absolutely nothing about life, and this ignorance extends to the identity of the BBG. I have no idea who this man really is. And by "really is," I don't mean that I cannot sense his essence or imagine the gawker-y goodness of his personal musk. I mean, I don't read Gawker. Never have. Probably will in about five seconds just to see what this man is about, but as of this very moment, I am in a Gawker-free state of innocence.
But innocence is not what my friend wants from me. Innocence is boring. Innocence is lame. Innocence is the opposite of torrid affairs with confirmed homosexuals. And you can't have a good blog without at least one of those (torrid affairs, I mean...or the homosexuals...they're good too).
So I finally dug out my own brain from the back of my closet and started thinking. What would a girl have to do to whip up a believable affair with Le Gawker? I'm not going for the real thing (although I believe there is an opening in my planner for a tempestuous lover on Tuesday and Thursday nights...just saying). I just need enough knowledge of the man to make a satisfying story for my friends.
The easy thing would be to Google him like crazy (which almost sounds dirty -- I'm gonna Google his brains out!) , maybe actually read his little blog or whatever he's twiddling around on these days, pester my friend for more details so I can stop thinking for myself, OR -- OR! -- I could actually meet this fabled Prince of Gossipland.
"How might we encounter each other?" I wondered. Perhaps I will just run into him on the street one day. After all, it's small world, and I walk a lot. Then again, he is in charge of a blog, so perhaps he sits in his mom's basement all day, in which case, I would only have a chance of running into him on "random basement tour Sunday," which I conduct on the third Sunday of each month.
Maybe I could track him down. He is all over the Internets; surely I could reach him through his favorite medium. A banner ad? Posting my contact details and an enticing picture on Gawker's comments pages (because that wouldn't attract any weirdos...)? Writing his name in this post often enough that some search engine picks it up? I don't think search engines actually work like that, but I in trying to engineer some sort of massive shout into the void, all I could come up with was to write Nick Denton! Nick Denton! Nick Denton!
Like I said, I am a damned fool.
Once I found him, what would I do? What would I say? Would we chuckle our way through an awkward first date and then rush home to write snarky things about each other?
God, I hope so.
Maybe as our romance blossomed, we could go on a heartwarming rampage of judging and curmudgeonry together. We could curl up on cold nights, keeping each other warm with the combined powers of hilarity, vitriol and a dash of sexy. Nothing makes you feel more in love than agreeing that everyone else is inferior -- that's a fact, kids.
So Nick Denton (Nick Denton! Nick Denton! Nick Denton!), if you're out there, listen to my friend's Valentine wish, and snark me, baby, snark me.


John Bavoso said...

Do you read Jezebel? I do . . . hourly. I want to have a big imagined platonic affair with the Jezzies!

Anonymous said...

Um, not to be all like "I'm so cool" but...Moe Tkacik from Jezebel is actually my friend Christina's older sis. I'm so cool, I know. Lauren, as a NYC resident you REALLY have to get all up on Gawker, but no worries, I'll help you out. Strangely enough, for someone living in DC I know way more about Gawker (and its staffers) than I do about politics and the monkeys behind it all.

Thanks for writing the entry! I miss you lots as well. Take care and if you do see (or hear from) Nick Denton, give him my digits. Kidding. Kinda.


Anonymous said...

Lauren, this is my second post on your blog today- Maybe thats really lame, but your writing is really funny. I never knew you were so humerous. Keep it up so I can keep reading.
(old high school classmate)