Saturday, April 26, 2008

Life is soooo hard

Hey people. I don't know if anyone reads this blog anymore because I've been so awful about posting regularly. If you do still check occasionally, I'm sorry there has been not been a fresh supply of hilarious anecdotes and charming puns streaming forth from thelaurenbell. 

What can I say? One, I'm lazy. Two, cleverness cannot simply be tapped and harnessed like oil from a fresh Texan field. And, even if it can, I am, unfortunately, no Daniel Day Lewis from There Will Be Blood (does anyone actually remember his character's name in that? I'm pretty sure he was just playing himself.). If I were DDL, it probably wouldn't make any difference because I'd be too busy crushing people and being maniacal -- very time-consuming. 

As it is, I am simply thelaurenbell: a girl so un-clever that she couldn't even come up with a vaguely amusing blog title. No, I had to depend on the glorious cinematic masterpiece that is Maverick to supply my obscure and unrealistic blogger name (it' s the name of the boat, for you philistines who have yet to revel in the genius that puts Mel Gibson on a riverboat gambling binge with Jodie Foster). In fact, I have the same user name (and password, for all you identity thieves out there) for every possible online identity. And my password is definitely a carryover from seventh grade.  

Excuses aside -- I promise to post more often than I have been of late. Feel free to berate and belittle me if I don't. I probably won't be able to think of any good comebacks on the spot anyway.

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