Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Thought crumbs

I was walking past a fancy-pantsy lingerie store yesterday.

Okay, none of that is true. I was walking. And then I happened to pass a lingerie store. And, by essence of it being a store for undergarments, it was actually the opposite of "fancy-pantsy."

But I digress.

I walked past this fancy-schmancy lingerie store yesterday, and a big sign in the window said "Fall/Winter Collection is in!" My mind then exploded and dribbled out of my ears because how can you have "Fall/Winter" underpants? Are they made entirely of fur? Do they smell like cranberry sauce (which would be amazing!)? Are the nipple areas on the bras covered with those little paper doilies people put on the ends of turkey legs? Honestly, this last one was the VERY FIRST THING that I envisioned. I'm a sick-o.

Also, I just realized how gross the word "crumbs" (see title) is when paired with the idea of underwear. I actually had another, entirely unrelated, anecdote to share in this same posting -- hence that very clever title, which says, "I thought these things were funny, but I can acknowledge that they are pathetically short." -- but now I've totally forgotten it.

1 comment:

John Bavoso said...

Yeah . . . the idea of FUR underwear + crumbs makes me think of the movie Waiting and isn't helping your cause . . .