Friday, July 23, 2010

OMG My Mom

My mom reads my blog (that's why it's always so squeaky-clean and full of happiness and flowers). Whenever you see comments that are from "anonymous," and that end in "love you! - mom," those are from her.

I'd like to give my mom a shout-out today for not only reading and commenting on my blog, but for greatly enhancing its content. She is the astute commenter, dear readers, who pointed out that the picture I shared with you in my last post was (maybe) of Ringo Starr's violinist. This put my mind at ease for a number of reasons, mainly 1) It explained why the first three pages of Google Image search for "sexy violinist" were populated with this woman's picture (she's quasi-Beatles-related! Of course she comes first!) 2) Let's just say I have some theories about Ringo Starr, international espionage and Julia Child, which are confirmed by the presence of hot Asian violinist.

Not only has my mom (maybe) solved the mystery of the Asian violinist, but she has solved the Greatest Mystery OF ALL TIME: Who was that flamboyant fiddler of fiery (f)passions that I saw on the TeeVee?

Yes. My mom watched, and waited, and finally, one fateful (f)Tuesday evening, she saw the commercial for herself. Then, like a good mom, she texted me while I was in class:

From: Mom
Violinist is david garret! I just saw the commercial.

Me: hahahahaha

I took my mom's word for it, and did not try to actually look him up, to match glorious face to name, until this second.

He is real!

He is also German and sort of goofy and endearing (I watched A LOT of YouTube videos to get one that captured the essence of that first commercial. The things I do for you people!), so I feel a little bad about mocking his "Sexy Violins!" schtick. But not too bad. If his handlers really wanted to impress me, they would play up the "stuttering man-boy" part of his persona - that's way more impressive for a VIOLIN VIRTUOSO (TM) to be borne of.

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